m.t. samuel
we split across the bay for a beer last night’s foggy reflection of the moon dirty mirror now splintered by bows and restless ………..bodies in their thirties ………………………….sucking at summer’s last day
autumn nips at the heels of the season pulling leaves from branches like clothes from the line
tossing us
to the states some to mexico
i head north and you stay sea level
the hot days of forest fires and cold coffee are gone
in their place a moon which syncs with my visits
a welcome home
every time i arrive in your town
M.T. Samuel (she/her)is a poet living by the sea in Alaska. This past summer she built her tiny house on wheels (with a lot of help from her friends) and drove it down the highway to Homer. She is looking forward to many cozy nights this winter in her little house overlooking the bay.