Hayseeds - Ben Bentele
From The Thalweg’s SMOLT chapbook library,
Hayseeds comes from Issue two contributor, Ben Bentele:
Fruit-fly | Song-hound | Former-physicist yet frequent dawdler | Occasional translator and etymological enthusiast who currently oddjobs in Hotchkiss, Colorado as a librarian, hay-hand, fruit-picker & web-worker.
A Taster of Flavors between Folksy and Holy.
For his books, music and other ventures:
I am no westerner. But the west is where I am.
The same could perhaps be said for Mr. Driggs - Laurence La Tourette Driggs - and the dilapidated mansion that bears his name. An outsider, who nonetheless left a lasting mark on the landscape, a mark which still stands to inform our sense of place this century or so later.
To question Driggs was to question myself. The answer, then, was published in Writing the Land: Currents - but I hope here to broaden its context by confining its margin. & pick out a few good hayseeds to throw alongside.
Thank you, Thalweg - for seeing the silver in this little smolt & giving it stream to share.
From The Thalweg’s SMOLT chapbook library,
Hayseeds comes from Issue two contributor, Ben Bentele:
Fruit-fly | Song-hound | Former-physicist yet frequent dawdler | Occasional translator and etymological enthusiast who currently oddjobs in Hotchkiss, Colorado as a librarian, hay-hand, fruit-picker & web-worker.
A Taster of Flavors between Folksy and Holy.
For his books, music and other ventures:
I am no westerner. But the west is where I am.
The same could perhaps be said for Mr. Driggs - Laurence La Tourette Driggs - and the dilapidated mansion that bears his name. An outsider, who nonetheless left a lasting mark on the landscape, a mark which still stands to inform our sense of place this century or so later.
To question Driggs was to question myself. The answer, then, was published in Writing the Land: Currents - but I hope here to broaden its context by confining its margin. & pick out a few good hayseeds to throw alongside.
Thank you, Thalweg - for seeing the silver in this little smolt & giving it stream to share.
From The Thalweg’s SMOLT chapbook library,
Hayseeds comes from Issue two contributor, Ben Bentele:
Fruit-fly | Song-hound | Former-physicist yet frequent dawdler | Occasional translator and etymological enthusiast who currently oddjobs in Hotchkiss, Colorado as a librarian, hay-hand, fruit-picker & web-worker.
A Taster of Flavors between Folksy and Holy.
For his books, music and other ventures:
I am no westerner. But the west is where I am.
The same could perhaps be said for Mr. Driggs - Laurence La Tourette Driggs - and the dilapidated mansion that bears his name. An outsider, who nonetheless left a lasting mark on the landscape, a mark which still stands to inform our sense of place this century or so later.
To question Driggs was to question myself. The answer, then, was published in Writing the Land: Currents - but I hope here to broaden its context by confining its margin. & pick out a few good hayseeds to throw alongside.
Thank you, Thalweg - for seeing the silver in this little smolt & giving it stream to share.